Aubernon Highway brings you, the reader and enthusiast, along for the ride of a lifetime. Experiences abound on the Highway.
One day, it\’s an auction featuring vintage trucks and tractors. Another day, it\’s a review of the latest and greatest (and, perhaps, not so great) from the world\’s auto manufacturers. There may even be a stop along the way to interview those who make things worthwhile in motoring.
Whatever life brings to the Highway, it\’ll be a memory you soon won\’t forget.
About Cameron Aubernon

Cameron Aubernon\’s path to automotive journalism began in the early New \’10s. Back then, a friend of hers thought she was an independent fashion blogger.
Aubernon wasn\’t, so she became one, covering fashion in her own way for the next few years.
From there, she\’s written for several publications on a wide variety of subjects, including recent works for Hagerty, RideApart, and Street Trucks.
Aubernon also served as the editor-in-chief of a short-lived online society publication in Louisville, Kentucky, interned at the city\’s NPR affiliate, WFPL-FM, and was the de facto publicist-in-residence for a communal art space near the University of Louisville.
Aubernon currently resides within the New River Valley of Virginia. She is a member of the International Motor Press Association, and the Washington Automotive Press Association.